Monday, January 25, 2010

Purchase Structured Settlements Part 3

Purchase Structured Settlements

There is a fee charged, from around 10 to 30 percent of the money advanced, and the transaction is similar to getting a payday advance, except for a lot more money, and the repayments go directly to the company that bought out your settlement. It is possible to have them purchase just a part of your settlement, so you get a lump sum now, and whatever remains would continue as before, but in a lesser amount. You would still get some future income, just not as much.

When deciding to sell a settlement, it may be necessary to obtain court approval. That is one way that the legal system acts on your behalf, to be sure you are doing this for a good reason, because the structured payment system was decided upon for a good reason also. Take time to examine several companies who purchase structured settlements before you take action. Oftentimes, smaller competitors offer better rates and terms than the big names like Peachtree and JG Wentworth.

Poptropica Cheats and Value City Furniture blog.

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