Monday, August 31, 2009
Poptropica Light Ninja Costume

Sunday, August 30, 2009
How to Get Through the Fire Planet Platforms in Astro-Knights
OK, a lot of people have been asking about this in the comments sections for my posts. I cover this in the full Astro-Knights walkthrough, but people are definitely getting stuck trying to get on the last platform at the beginning of Fire Planet in Astro-Knights. I honestly got a little stuck on it too at first but there is a really easy trick and then you will get into the volcano in no time.
The only thing you need to remember is to wait for both platforms to be moving DOWN. Then you can jump and you’ll land on the last platform with no trouble. Then you just ride it back up to the top and jump off to the left to get onto the top of the volcano. I even made a YouTube video to show you how to do it:
Poptropica Wizards of Waverly Place Mission Walkthrough
Complete Walkthrough
Go to any starting area on any of the mission islands and you’ll see the entrance to the Wizards of Waverly Place mission. Go inside and talk to the guy to get started. He’ll tell you what to do and let you choose one of the wands from the characters on the show. It doesn’t matter which wand you choose.
Jungle Area
The first area is pretty easy. All you need to do is to get to the other side and avoid the spiders. At the beginning, after you get past the first spider, you’ll see a vine coiled on the ground with sparklies flying around it. Click on this to use your want on it and make it straighten up. Then you can climb up into the trees.
Once you’re in the trees, jump from tree-top to tree-top heading towards the right. Once you get to a large pile of rocks with sparklies, click on it. Your wand will turn them into a stone bridge that you can run/jump across to get to the end of this area. Then go right to move on to the next part.
Cave Area
This part is really easy. Again, just keep going to the right and try to avoid the spiders who will knock you back. In the middle of the room, there is a stone column blocking the way, but it has those sparklies on it. So click it and your wand will make it drop down and turn into a platform. Jump on top of it and keep moving to the right. When you get to the very end, you will see a purple rock. This is the Stone of Dreams. As soon as you pick it up, the rocks will start to fall from the cave and the game will tell you to run. It’s just like Indiana Jones!
Get Out of There
Now you just need to go all the way back to the beginning. It’s really easy and even though there are rocks falling, there’s no hurry. When you get back to the stone bridge, though, watch out. One of the rocks (the second one on the right) will fall if you step on it. So jump over that rock when you’re crossing the bridge. After that, just run all the way back to the guy in the starting area and click on him. He will give you your rewards, which include the Family Wand and the book of Forbidden Spells. Congratulations, you did it!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Spy Kids 3 Game over Credits Song For You
Spy Kids 3 Game over Credits Song Just For You.!!!.....
Just visit our blog !!.......
Oks Ha ha ha ha ha ha
What you think about this Music????????????????????..........
Friday, August 28, 2009
Poptropica Game Walkthrough: Spy Island Part 1
Poptropica Game Walkthrough: Spy Island Part 1. Are you like with this game.?????>..
You can see Poptropica Game Walkthrough: Spy Island Part 2, part 3. part 4. in youtube our in this blog future..
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Sonic Olympic Games MGMT Kids Remix
Sonic Olympic Games MGMT Kids Remix. what you think about this games... are you like with this games????......
Thanks Poptropica games just visit our blog...!!!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Blood Bladers Kids Game
Blood Bladers Kids Game video if you like with this video you can download this ....
many children love with this game.. and youu????.....
I think you like too.... he he he he.....
By: Poptropica games blogs
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Funbrain Arcade. How To Beat Waterbug Game
Home Videos Channels Watch this video in a new window Funbrain Arcade How To Beat Waterbug Game. thanks for your visiting you can revisit this blog..
Poptropica games. this games just for children. or kids games..!!!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Poptropica is a game for children
Poptropica is a game for children. poptropica game are deliberately created for the children. this game is suitable for children, I wanted to know who created this game, because this game includes a new digital game, this game may appear around the year 2000 and over. menajupkan that this game be directly by children, whether children of america and australia, recorded in the google trends, there are some countries who are often one-word searched for in google with the keyword Poptropica games.
then what can cause this game menjdai favorite game of children, for less I know the answer. I only know that this game is very memeng groove by many children from many countries. on the time, I will discuss more about poptropica games. I hope this game is always the favorite game of children.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Cats Kids Game Blood Brothers
Cats Kids Game Blood Brothers . just fun ha ha ha ha ha..
you can see other video for Games For Children or Kids Games at our blogs..
By : Poptropica Games blog
Spongebob - Children Of Bodom
Spongebob - Children Of Bodom. huaha haha ha ha haha..... Just fun with our blog. oks ..
By : Poptropica games blogs
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Poptropica Nabooti Mask
poptropica nabooti mask video ... just fun with our blog..
Please See other video at this blog..
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Astro Knights Island Part 1 Kids Games
Astro Knights Island Part 1 Kids Games, if you like you can download this video from youtube.com.
By : Poptropica blog..
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Poptropica Games For Child
Comments For Poptropica
So you people didn't like my idea huh? how about another one. its called computer island. you are zapped into a computer. you have to find your way out and get the medallion. you will find clues, items to get certain stuff working, meet poptropicans, and so much more, once your out, you get the medallion and earn 100 Poptropica credits. waste them for cool stuff, or poptropica costumes. Copyright 2009 computer island.
Hmmm... Heres an idea. Make a virus boss like mordred in astroknights! You have to beat him in order to fix the mother program, which is the computer you are in.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Poptropica Game Called Kids Games
Poptropica Games Called Kids Games. in many country Poptropica game is favorite games. for kids or childrens games.
See Other video for Poptropica games.
The Lego Batman & Superman Movie
The Lego Batman & Superman Movie. Just fun with our blog. you can download this video if you like with this.
Thanks by Poptropica Games blog.
Poptropica Walkthrough Time Tangled Island Pt.1
Poptropica Walkthrough Time Tangled Island Pt.1 video, if you like with this video you can download this.
Just fun with our blog Poptropica games blog. you can see other video at this blog. oks
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Poptropica Nabooti Island Part 3
Poptropica nabooti island part 3 youtube video.. if like this poptropica nabooti island
Comments :
y didnt you edit the video and cut of the parts from the manalca?
it took me 14 whole minuets too
wow i beat that old man on my first time so you must be dumb
How do you do the Giza on the brick? that is so hard
Well, I hope your not offending him/her. Your lucky they made this walkthrough. >;]
Haha; I Beat Him On My First Try! Woo! (:
i beast mancala on my first try. and i dont even know how to play.you are bad at that. sorry but i had to say it
most of the video was mancala... but it's ok i sucked when i first tried... i think... sorry if i was rude... anyway i got it in 2 tries too..
I pwn at mancala i got this no sweat 1st try and ill help any1 who needs it =)
man you played 5 mins omg i did it in 2 trys
Poptropica Super Power Crusher
Poptropica Super Power Crusher Video. If you like with this video you can download this.
Thanks for your visiting .... just fun with poptropica blog
Poptropica Super Power How to defeat Betty Jetty
Poptropica Super Power How to defeat Betty Jetty. this game for kids or called childrens games.
If you like with this video you can download this video Poptropica Super Power How to defeat Betty Jetty from youtube.com.
Thanks for your visiting!!!..
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Poptropica Walkthrough 24 Carrot
Poptropica Walkthrough 24 Carrot. just fun with our blog, this video we capture from youtube.com.
Posting by : Poptropica games blog.
Poptropica Space Buddies Adventure
Poptropica Space Buddies Adventure video. what you think with this video are you like ???>......
If you like you can download this Poptropica Space Buddies Adventure in youtube.com ...
Just visit this Poptropica blog Oks...
Friday, August 14, 2009
Astro Knights Poptropica The Last Part
Astro Knights Poptropica The Last Part If you like with this video you can download from youtube.com..
Thanks for your visiting this blog offer you many video for Poptropica games
Poptropica Full Big Nate Island Walkthrough
Poptropica Full Big Nate Island Walkthrough
Comments For Poptropica Full Big Nate Island Walkthrough
Thanks for the video (and helping me!)
on the hangman by accident my word was class but b4 i figured it out it said class without the c
and l
Where do you use it at?
DX how do u go down annnd get da lobster!!!
cause it wont let me go THAT far!!!
how did make dat into video?
even my father doesn't know about making vidoes from internet?
er everyone knows it is from hypercam 2 how about you search how to download it on youtube, huh? look it's up on the top left corner XD SEE>
uh how did u get the gum?
nvm lol i did it wrong
its not letting me open the cabinet in the detention room
how do you beat nate at the jet ski i keep on geting hit by eggs it's unfair and he's a bastard he can not let you do your own thing and get the map that twat
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
New Poptropica Island
New Poptropica Island
Whats Poptropica ? Ehh I heard its a kids game lol!?
the green eye isn't real. only the red one... its a bit of a knock off since the green eye isn't real isn't it?
It comes out June 10 but if you have an early access pass(it's in the poptropica store for 500 credits)you can play now.
it should come soon but there a new island coming later this year called REALITY TV ISLAND
if u agree with me copy and paste my message! :)
hey today is may 23 and hello it said a long time ago that it was coming this spring and its past april! and its not even spring anymore now it says coming soon and they made another island called reality tv island well hello! wait! we r all waiting for astro knight island already we dont want some island we can't play yet AGAIN! even when we r already wanting astro knight island first i think thats y we didnt get it yet those peoples want to create a new island! they r moving way to fast!!!
ok first of all it didnt come out april 28 because its past april 28 and its not in poptropica
I know, today I think is May 17!
you wanna know when it comes out in one month.
today ia 28 but its still not here
Monday, August 10, 2009
Poptropica Walkthrough: Nabooti Island
Poptropica Walkthrough: Nabooti Island
how did u get those clothes! nice song
Are You Going To Make Astro Knights ???
in poptropica ???? Please Answer me!
defintely martino2001 said in my email that we will create them On June 8.2009
im 15. years.
in the beginning she was so fast by using a hypercam.... in march 17 in poptropica i kinda got fast at jump and running....
the comment i wrote in dec where part 2 and 3 i was 14 years. BYE!!!!!!!!!!! asboutely BYE!!!!!!!!!
dudde why would you videotape it getting there and crap, no one cares, just get to the point of the video alreaady!
dpfanmel big nate island is on online now
it was online in feb 12 2009t hursday!!!!!
make the video!!!!!!!!!!! dpfanmel im not kidding
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Poptropica: Cinnamon Toast Crunch Jump Game
Text Comments for Poptropica: Cinnamon Toast Crunch Jump Game.
man please people dont yell your user name and pasa outl loud or theyl steal your account and lock it for their computer only BEWARE.
i swear their was a monster carnival island!
yeah, i looked up poptropica monster carnival and then it said MAPLE STORY MONSTER CARNIVAL, so maybe maple story had the idea first or somethin...
my username username password password just trust me
my username is dadboy897 and my password is rocks
wen i did the cinnamon thing i used mi jetpec instead of jumpin on those mushrooms
i know i have it.
Where Can i get fly ability
You can get it either by defeating 5 criminals on Super Power Island and then answering the phone on Main Street, or equip the jet pack from Early Poptropica Island, which can only be worn on that island.
super power
Friday, August 7, 2009
STUPID GUY ON POPTROPICA. this video we capture from youtube.com........!!!!!
What you think about this poptropica video???.... are you like??.......
Beat Poptropica Shark Tooth Island
Beat Poptropica Shark Tooth Island youtube video. this video without music .
Beat Poptropica Shark Tooth Island.
This blog offer you anything about Poptropica Video, if you like with our blog please visit this blog more again. you can download this video if you want!!!....
Thank's for your visiting, and don't forget to watch others Poptropica videos, just fun with me..
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Poptropica - Full Astro Knights Walkthrough! Part 3/4
Poptropica - Full Astro Knights Walkthrough! Part 3/4. this games for kids games or children games. if you like with this video you can download it youtube.com. now many video for poptropica games.
you can select other poptropica video in this blog, so just fun with our blog oks. thanks for your visiting.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Poptropica Astro Knights Part 4
Poptropica Astro Knights Part 4 video.. this video very nice just fun with our blog, if you like this video you can download from youtube.com .
Poptropica Astro Knights Part 4 you can see other video for Poptropica video your favorite.. so just fun.
Poptropica Race to Witch Mountain Mission
Poptropica Race to Witch Mountain Mission, if you like with this video you can enjoy this in youtube.com.
Just visit this blog more again, cos we add video for poptropica every day. thanks for your visiting.!!!
This Poptropica Blog
This Poptropica blog. this posting we just try. and sory this article just tryng | OK, have a mini-task now much publicity urgent Witch Mountain DVD Poptropica. It seems the main street or at the beginning of the various islands of Poptropica. Goal, the task is to find three cards that are color and trapped as "foreigners" in this building. Benefits at the end is really cool. You receive a "foreigner", which is a Hazmat suit and UFO really cool that you can use. When you use the fact that the flying saucer seems to you and to send a beam of light that takes you inside. Then he flies. Oh, and it shows the ad on urgent Witch Mountain. LOL. |
Monday, August 3, 2009
When players arrive at Poptropica, they get an avatar can be customized to change immediately or during playback. These changes include the development of hair, clothing, hairstyle and color.
The names of the characters are warehouses for blasphemy or leakage of personal information in the virtual world. View user safety for more information.
Besides the characters of the user, Poptropica is full of people called Poptropicans of user interaction as NPC.
In Poptropica, a player starts with only the clothes he / she decides on the principle. Player can obtain various items of additional equipment and missions in the different islands, with many special activities that relate to the island. Players get a medal for every time you have a problem on the island. An icon of the bag is used as an inventory. Some points of the island can not be used in another country.
Players can have their clothes Costumizer around the instrument, the player to copy the clothes, more accessories, such as jewelry, hair, and mouth (ie, if the smile and the shape ) other citizens Poptropica: Poptropicans and other human players. The player uses the instrument as a Costumizer find a sign that the clothes he wants Costumizer click the icon and click on the sign. Once the player Costumizer in the instrument, he clicks on the clothes they want on your character in place of what they already have. The clothes are generally not part of the inventory, unless critical to the island (such as the continuation Chameleon Spy Island is the clothing and the inventory).
Some items, even in moments of crucial importance to the mission in a central island, which have earned (for example, spy on the island, the player must win one of chef hat, a game similar to Simon) . These are not available in all the islands except those which they won.
On 30 May 2009, began selling Poptropica "Poptropica credits" on the Internet. The funds are used to buy clothing that can not be costumized and abililties that the changing character of the actor of color fast. Can also be used to purchase "tickets" for early access to new islands. Credits can also be achieved through the implementation of the various islands.
Back To Poptropica Games

Back To Poptropica Games
I also met some other guys from the PHF chatroom in some Crystal Cavern Multiverses. (One of the pics below shows Graham, Curious Fang, and I in his Enchanted Forest, which I mentioned above.) Yesterday, I saw Zany Glove, Lucky Spider (MonkeyTacoz), Squeezy Monster (and his clone, Skinny Chicken). Maroon Fly, another one of Monkey’s accounts, also joined in later, and so did a jovial fellow named Happy Spider. (I also found out that Invisible Bean, who I mentioned in the post below, was also another one of Taco’s accounts!)
Today I met Shoeless Runner, Silly Owl (known as Incredible Fish), Short Sun (or Technonerd), Shy Turtle (”Anti SG”), and a few others at Incredible Fish’s Multiverse. Maroon Fly wandered in again, this time dressed as Pinocchio. We later all met up at the top floor to take a jumping snapshot – speaking of which, did you know there’s a glitch up there which lets you jump up and down nonstop? Try it!
This just testing posting for potropica games, we want to update this blog every days..